Metamorphosis: I’m moving – gradually…!

It’s been over a decade and it’s time to slowly transition Greenmode to its next life. Over the rest of 2019 we’re moving to (be) Benevolution.

(be) Benevolution is a home for stories, conversations, interviews, essays and art that catalyze the synergy of evolution. Development, insight, perspectives, curiosity, possibilities, creativity, solutions, ideas.

It will mainly blog on:

  • Beauty – aesthetic benevolution – art, poetry, travel and expansive experiences
  • Benevolutionaries – what ‘ordinary’ people do is extraordinary! Stories, audio, connections with the plethora of people and groups catalysing benevolution.
  • Business – It’s meta-modern baby! Conscious, collaborative and climate sane business will outcompete our old modern model.

Watch this space :-). I’m excited to be taking experience, insights and expertise (I hope!) from the last decades and shifting gears with it. The world is changing – greenmode should as well.

For easy transitions, for the next 6 months or more I’ll post all the relevant (be) Benevolution stories to here to greenmode too.